
The Banana Business

For decades, the banana industry has been booming in the Philippines. Primarily because of the climate that is suitable for the cultivation of the banana plant. With the revenue this industry generates, millions of Filipinos and families have more opportunities towards achieving better lives.

Looking into the Banana Industry

Philippines is one of the major producers of bananas in the world. It is fourth after India, Uganda, and China. Despite the large contribution of the country to the global market, 66% of the produced bananas of the country is still consumed domestically. Only 34% goes to exportation.

45.5% of that domestic consumption are found in wet markets or those bananas sold as table fruits. Meanwhile, 16.5% of the produce are used for manufacturing by-products like banana chips. These by-products are imported by 30 countries mainly from North America and Europe. 4%, unfortunately, are considered as discarded products which are mostly converted to be animal feeds. This amazing figures from domestic produce and consumption just mean opportunities for our local farmers and their families.

Tapping into Banana’s Potential

The Central Mindanao Integrated Agricultural Research Center initiated the implementation of community-based farming system project in Region 7. The project’s main objective is to provide livelihood to local farmers and their families by training them to apply technology-based techniques in their banana farming and the manufacturing of by-products. This endeavor aims to increase their productivity that eventually leads to increased revenues. Because of projects like this, the banana industry became a community industry. Husbands go out to the fields to farm, while wives and their children either stay at home to manually manufacture by-products or be involved in a cooperative with the same endeavors. Many project beneficiaries have testified that with wise management of finances plus the income they get from the project, their lives and their incomes did improve.

See also: 5 Bizarre Banana Uses

Supporting Our Very Own

Who could have imagined that the banana which is a frequent produce in our tables can change many lives. The banana industry has become a community industry in our country. Many families are relying on the produce’s performance in the market, and we, as consumers, can support our very own local farmers and our economy by simply choosing to purchase from local producers. Choose local, choose Royce Foods Banana Chips and see how your simple purchase can change the life of millions of Filipino families.

Banana Chips in Local and International Market
You’ll go bananas over these 10 banana facts!